
Showing posts from October, 2010

Hannes Bok

Illustrator Wayne Francis Woodward used the penname "Hannes Bok" as a sort derivation of "Johannes Bach" ( at least according to Wikipedia ). As an illustrator he did pictures for those 30s and 40s Science Fiction and Horror magazines, "Amazing" and "Weird Tales" and so on. I think they're kind of special; they stick in the memory. I recognized the style from leafing through old Science Fiction anthologies long before I learned the name "Hannes Bok". Hannes Bok died a reclusive in 1964, but his work still retains it's weird power. No titles for the pictures found:

Zoology Notes


What The Night Air Gave Me


Ruston Bucyrus

In yonder forest Ruston Bucyrus What is it? One does not know But it 'rusts on' to make a pun

Kitchen Shelf


Cryptoclidus by Zdenek Burian, 1955

One of my definite favourites from childhood. I like the perspective combined with the water.